Farewell to Colors of Copenhagen: A Bittersweet Goodbye

Dear Colors of Copenhagen community,

This is my final blog post for this incredible journey. It’s not just a goodbye to a chapter in my life; it’s a farewell to the unforgettable experiences that made up Copenhagen. Honestly, the goodbye was a bitter pill to swallow. Saying farewell to the friends who became family, to the beautiful landscapes, and to the unique rhythm of life in Copenhagen was undeniably difficult.

The reverse cultural shock that awaited me upon my return surpassed my expectations. I thought I knew what it meant to come back home after immersing myself in a foreign culture, but the reality hit harder than I could have anticipated. The familiar became unfamiliar, and the routine felt strangely out of sync. But it gets better with time, I promise!!

Below is a chart that I was shown before my abroad experience to help prepare me for some of the potential feelings I might have.

Resources I was given from Duke to handle reverse cultural shock:

Reverse Culture Shock | Global Experiences (pitt.edu)

How to Deal With Reverse Culture Shock After Studying Abroad | Go Overseas

Tips For Dealing With Reverse Culture Shock When You Return Home | Diversity Abroad

Yet, within the challenges of reverse cultural shock lies a profound realization — the depth of the impact Denmark has had on me. It’s about the transformation within, the subtle shifts in my worldview and the newfound appreciation for diversity.

To those who are doing DIS in the future, I implore you to savor every single second. Denmark is not just a place; it’s an experience that engrains itself into your very being. The laughter shared with newfound friends, the quiet moments by the canals, and the sense of community that pervades the Danish way of life — these are the gems that await you.

As I bid adieu to Colors of Copenhagen, my heart brims with gratitude for the memories, the lessons, and the indelible mark it has left on my soul. I hope to return to Europe, to wander the streets of Copenhagen once more and to relive the magic that this city bestowed upon me.

To the readers who have followed my journey, thank you for being a part of this adventure. Happy New Year to you all, may your own paths be adorned with the vibrant colors of exploration and discovery.

Until we meet again, Copenhagen.

With love,

Hiwot Shaw

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